Flexible, Agent-Based Integrated Land-Use/Transport (follow up project)

FABILUT2 is a follow-up project of FABILUT, where th microscopic integration of the land use model SILO and the traffic model MATSim was implemented. The initial project replaced skim matrices with microscopic travel times between x/y coordinates at a specific time of day, households see different travel times based on their individual travel behavior. Thus far, the impact could only be analyzed for the difference in travel times to work, which influences household relocation.

In this follow-up project, we explore the microscopic integration to better understand parking search, stability of travel behavior and scenario analyses that constraint travel options rather than adding infrastructure. The core research question is:

  • Does the microscopic integration of land use and transport models improve the scenario capabilities?

Specific research questions include:

  • Can the impact of limited parking on household relocation be represented more realistically by microscopic model integration?
  • Faster runtimes would allow for more extensive scenario analysis. Can integrated land use/transport models be sped up by reusing (and adjusting where necessary) simulated travel behavior from previous simulation periods?
  • Is it relevant to represent intra-household schedule coordination in an activity-based model to represent the use of electric and autonomous vehicles?
  • The range of electric vehicles is limited. Does a microscopic integration of land use and transport models better represent for which travel patterns electric cars are suited, and thereby, better simulate who buys electric cars?
  • Commonly, integrated land use/transport models are used in urban (and growing) study areas. Can the implementation of microscopically integrated land use/transport models in rural and declining regions help to identify policies for such regions, where many constraints (that often work well in growing urban areas) have little impact?

, Verkehrsmodellierung

Auftrag- / Fördergeber Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: DFG
Weitere Projektbeteiligte Fachgebiet fuer Verkehrssystemplanung und Verkehrstelematik, TU Berlin
Laufzeit April 2022 bis April 2025
Ansprechpartner Ana Moreno, Matthias Langer