
TUM Sustainability Day 2022: With pleasure again!

On Thursday, 27 October 2022, the first TUM Sustainability Day took place. Many lectures, workshops and information booths were prepared and carried out by various TUM organisations at all locations.  

The day started with the presentation of the TUM Sustainable Futures Strategy 2030, which was commissioned by Prof. Dr. Thomas Hofmann, President of the Technical University of Munich, and presented by him on this day. The strategy was developed by the TUM Sustainability Office over the past months and written down on 60 pages. The TUM Sustainable Futures Strategy 2030 can be viewed and downloaded as a PDF here.  

"With responsibility, talent, scientific excellence and innovation, we are shaping a sustainable transformation of societies to enable future generations to enjoy health and prosperity in harmony with nature and the environment."
- The sustainability vision of TUM

In the introductory event, there were further programme items after the presentation of the TUM Sustainable Future Stratgey. A panel discussion with various guests (Dr. Thomas Becker (Head of Sustainability, Mobility of the BMW Group), Katrin Habenschaden (2nd Mayor of the City of Munich), Prof. Dr. Thomas Hofmann (President of TUM), Sina-Marie Rupp (Student Representative, Environmental Student Representation), moderated by Prof. Dr. Alwine Mohnen) discussed the role of universities within a sustainable transformation of the economy and society. This was followed by keynote speeches by specialists on the central areas of TUM's impact in connection with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. The introductory event ended with a short presentation by Jakob Bitner, who, as CO & Co-Founder of VoltStorage GmbH, introduced the company in his contribution.

Various programme items were offered throughout the day. At the Campus Innenstadt, there was, among other things, a Clothes/Book/Plants swap meet or an exhibition of student initiatives in the area of sustainability (among others, with the environmental department of the AStA, PlantASeed or START Munich).

In the afternoon, the openLAB Urban MobiltiyStreet Experiments Tool (SET) and SmartHubs held an information event about the parklet in Steinheilstraße for interested people. The last day of the parklet, which was dismantled the following day by hard-working volunteers, was enjoyed in a cosy atmosphere and summerly temperatures. The parklet already brought many people together during its development phase: it was initiated by Dr.-Ing. David Duran (SmartHubs), Ana Rivas (SET) and Simone Aumann (AQT), the design was created by TUM students and it was set up during the remaking the street summer school 2022. During the three months that the parklet stood in Steinheilstraße, users could participate in a survey. In addition, during the TUM Sustainability Day event, visitors had the opportunity to give feedback directly to the organisers. The comments and remarks from the survey and the feedback round will be evaluated and taken into account for the creation of further street experiments. 

All in all: a very successful project that is just waiting to be set up in the streets again next year!  

We are looking forward to the next TUM Sustainability Day!