Working Group Governance
Head: MSc Carolin Zimmer

Governance describes "the process of interaction and decision-making of a collective problem involving different actors" (Hufty, 2011).
The Governance working group lies across the two research groups Integrated Mobility Concepts and Accessibility Planning and the openLAB Urban Mobility and has the following missions:
- Supporting projects in measure implementation with regard to governance processes and stakeholder management.
- Teaching of governance aspects (seminar governance, guest lectures, etc.)
- Practical interface between science (Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning), economy and society
The working group Governance supports TUM internally as well as externally on request with the following services:
- Organization and moderation of workshops with different actors from the field of mobility
- Support of (target group specific) citizen participation processes
- Teaching methods for conducting stakeholder participation in the form of workshops, interviews and surveys as well as stakeholder analyses
- Development of project-specific governance frameworks in the mobility context
For further information, please contact Carolin Zimmer (head of working group).