Automated driving offers excellent opportunities for the environment, the economy, and society. Particularly at urban intersections, there is…
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In the TEMPUS research project (, we are researching automated and connected driving from various perspectives. The primary…
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This week, a group of researchers from our chair, along with Professor Klaus Bogenberger, had the opportunity to attend a workshop on Tradable…
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At the annual SUMO User Conference of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), attendees vote on the best conference contributions from the point of view of…
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Exciting news! We recently received our new CRUDEN driving simulator. The installation is complete, and our team consisting of Arslan Ali Syed,…
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The Chair of Traffic Engineering is researching the effects of the 49-euro ticket on the driving behavior of citizens in Bavaria. To this end, the…
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It was an honor to welcome Professor Josef Chow at our chair on Monday, March 27th, 2023. In a workshop together with Prof. Antoniou and the Chair of…
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Authors: Simone Weikl, Patricia Mayer
Content: This paper provides a standardized methodology for purely data-driven quantitative assessment of…
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