- Towards Accessible Autonomous Public Transport: Requirements of Transit Users with Visual Impairment and Autism Spectrum Disorder. IATBR - 17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, 2024 more…
- Experimental Digital Twins: Unlocking Insights for Multimodal Transportation Systems through Targeted Data Collection. TRB Annual Meeting 2024, 2024 more…
- Smartphone-based Human-Machine-Interface for Bicycles: A Study on Behavioral Change and Learning Effects. TRB Annual Meeting 2024, 2024 more…
- Studying Interactions of Motorists and Vulnerable Road Users: Empirical Comparison of Test Track and Simulator Experiments. 2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), IEEE, 2023 more…
- Simulatorgestützte Mikromobilitätsforschung. Abschlusssymposium des Forschungsprojekts CapeReviso, 2023 more…
- Investigating Lane-Free Traffic with a Dynamic Driving Simulator. 2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), IEEE, 2023 more…
- A Virtual Reality Wheelchair Simulator for Realistic Road User Behavior in Driving Simulations. Driving Simulation Conference 2023 Europe VR , 2023 more…
- User Acceptance of Urban Cargo Bicycles. 7th Annual Meeting of the Cycling Research Boarding, 2023 more…
- Are Head-mounted Displays Really Not Suitable for Driving Simulation? A Comparison with a Screen-Based Simulator. 2023 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), IEEE, 2023 more…
- Introducing Data-Format-Dependent Road Network Conversion Techniques – Lessons Learned from the Digital Twin Munich. 31st Geographical Information Science Research UK (GISRUK) Conference (GISRUK), 2023 more…
- A Virtual Reality Electric Cargo Bicycle Simulator for Experiencing Realistic Traffic Scenarios. DSC 2022 Europe VR, 2022 more…
- A mobile application for resolving bicyclist and automated vehicle interactions at intersections. 2022 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2022 more…
- A coupled driving simulator to investigate the interaction between bicycles and automated vehicles. 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), IEEE, 2022 more…
- Lecture and Exercise "Traffic Safety" in the Module "Traffic Engineering - Supplementary Module" (SS22, SS23, SS24)
- Seminar "Use Case: Bicycle Simulator " in the Module "Traffic Flow Simulation - Extension" (WS21/22, WS22/23)
Curriculum Vitae
Work experience | |
since 2021 | Technical University of Munich Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control Researcher |
2020 - 2021 | Technical University of Munich Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control Student research assistant |
2020 - 2021 | Technical University of Munich Chair of Computational Modeling and Simulation Student research assistant |
2018 - 2020 | Technical University of Munich Chair and Institute of Road, Railway and Airfield Construction Student research assistant |
Education | |
2021 | M.Sc. Civil Engineering
2019 | B.Sc. Environmental Engineering Technical University of Munich |
Supervised Theses
Studying the Interaction of Cyclists and Autonomous Shuttle Busses in Dynamic Stop Scenarios Using a Bicycle Simulator.
Master Thesis. Start: 13.5.2024; End: 13.11.2024. Mentoring: Lindner, Dr. Pechinger. Abstract. -
Implementation and Testing of a Cooperative, Partially Automated Driving Function in a Real Vehicle Considering Influences of Road Traffic.
Master Thesis. Start: 15.4.2024; End: 11.10.2024. Mentoring: Lindner, Sekeran. Abstract. -
Design and Comparison of Human-Machine-Interface Concepts for Investigating the Communication between Bicycles and Automated Shuttle Busses.
Master Thesis. Start: 1.12.2023; End: 31.5.2024. Mentoring: Lindner, Dr. Pechinger. Abstract. -
Public Transport Goes Autonomous - Identification of Tasks for the Human Vehicle Operator.
Master Thesis. Start: 1.10.2023; End: 28.4.2024. Mentoring: Lindner, Ilic, Alvarez. Abstract. -
Literature Review on Cyclist Classification in Comparison with Motorists.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 20.7.2024; End: 20.12.2024. Mentoring: Lindner, Dr. Takayasu. Abstract. -
Developing Automated Trajectory Aggregation and Safety Indicator Analysis Techniques for multi-modal Traffic Data.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.5.2024; End: 1.10.2024. Mentoring: Lindner, Malcolm. Abstract. -
Exploring Graph-based Navigation Meshes for Modelling Cyclist Behavior in Urban Environments.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 2.4.2024; End: 2.9.2024. Mentoring: Lindner, Kutsch, Dr. Pechinger. Abstract. -
Exploring Graph-based Navigation Meshes for Modelling Wheelchair User Behavior in Urban Environments.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 6.11.2023; End: 6.4.2024. Mentoring: Lindner, Pechinger, Ilic. Abstract. -
Traffic data visualization on a 3D-printed city model.
Study Project. Mentoring: Lindner, Dr. Keler, Dr. Takayasu. -
Risk Analysis of Accidents involving Cyclists based on Extended Traffic Accident Data.
Master Thesis. Start: 1.6.2023; End: 1.12.2023. Mentoring: Lindner, Dr. Takayasu, Ilic. Abstract. -
Validity of visualization methods in driving simulation.
Master Thesis. Start: 1.8.2022; End: 31.1.2023. Mentoring: Syed, Lindner. Abstract. -
Public Transport Becomes Autonomous - Identification of Human Driver Tasks.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 24.4.2023; End: 20.10.2023. Mentoring: Lindner, Ilic, Alvarez. Abstract. -
Literature review on passenger boarding times in public transport with automated vehicles.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 24.4.2023; End: 24.9.2023. Mentoring: Lindner, Bachmann. Abstract. -
Literature review and user-specific requirement analysis of mobility-impaired groups in urban traffic scenarios.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 21.11.2022; End: 21.4.2023. Mentoring: Lindner, Dr. Kessler. Abstract. -
Requirement identification and scenario definition for mobility-impaired road user groups in urban traffic.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.11.2022; End: 1.4.2023. Mentoring: Lindner, Ilic, Dr. Kessler. Abstract. -
Literature review on causes, detection and prevention methods of simulator sickness.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.11.2023; End: 1.4.2023. Mentoring: Lindner, Dr. Kessler. Abstract. -
Simulation analysis of the influence of the communication of fully automated vehicles with the infrastructure as well as other road users on the subjective safety perception of vulnerable road users.
Master Thesis. Start: 15.4.2022; End: 14.10.2022. Mentoring: Ilic, Margreiter, Lindner. Abstract. -
Comparison of VRU Perception of the Driving Behavior of Automated and Manually Driven Vehicles.
Master Thesis. Start: 16.11.2021; End: 24.6.2022. Mentoring: Hamm, Ilic, Lindner. Abstract.