
The Transportation Research Institute - UHasselt has awarded the Francqui Chair to Prof. Dr Constantinos Antoniou. The theme of the chair is…

Some new master thesis topics are now available at TSE. The interested students are asked to contact the supervisors to apply.   No …

The second DARUMA project on-site workshop was held in Kyoto between May 16 and May 17, 2023. Project participants from KU (Japan), TUM (Germany), BME…

A new position is available for a PhD position. More details are available under the following link: [TSE122] PhD Position

A new master thesis topic on the impact of modular electric vehicles on urban traffic is now available at TSE. This thesis will be supervised by Dr.…

Workshop "Mobility inequality in the era of advanced mobility"

Christelle's dissertation receives the mark Summa cum laude

Prof. Yamnenko und Prof. Antoniou vertraten alle Ukrainischen Stipendiaten und Gastgeber beim Dies academicus 2022.

On the 2nd and 3rd of November 2022, the Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering had its annual retreat at the TUM…

The chair of Transportation Systems Engineering has recently been awarded a project by the TUM institute for ethics in AI (IEAI), focusing on ethics…