Travolution (completed 2008)

Traffic Control, Traffic Signal to Vehicle Communication

Project description

Traffic signals are the most important control system for traffic management in urban networks. The research project TRAVOLUTION had the objective to improve the traffic flow through two different approaches:

  • online optimization of network-wide traffic signal control with evolutionary algorithms
  • traffic signal to vehicle communication so as to inform the driver individually

For the first approach, the evolutionary algorithm for the optimization of the network-wide traffic signal control (GALOP) was developed. It has been integrated into the adaptive network control system BALANCE. The evolutionary algorithm is now available as an alternate optimization method to the former hill-climbing algorithm. The traffic signal control in a large part of the main street network of Ingolstadt was changed to the adaptive network control system.
The second approach demonstrates the technical feasibility of traffic signal to vehicle communication. On three intersections the traffic signals have been equipped in a way that the approaching vehicles receive information about the predicted signalization in the near future. Two applications have been implemented. The first recommends to the approaching driver the optimal speed in order to be able to pass the next traffic signal without stopping. The second approach shows the driver waiting in front of a traffic signal the remaining red-time. For both applications it is necessary to predict the signalization for the near future.

Tasks of the Chair

  • development of algorithms and simulation studies
  • field tests: floating car data and travel-time measurements through vehicle re-identification with infrared-cameras

Keywords traffic control, traffic signal to vehicle communication
Funding Source State of Bavaria (Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Infrastruktur, Verkehr und Technologie)
Project Partners AUDI AG
GEVAS software GmbH
Stadt Ingolstadt
Duration April 2006 - June 2008
Contact Robert Braun
Further information Leaflet
