MobilityCoins (MOCO) - Incentives instead of fees

Project Description

MOCO’s project objective is to identify the key system parameters of a new instrument for sustainable management and funding of the entire transportation system. This instrument is a market-based cap-and-trade system that aims (1) to achieve the most efficient, resource-conserving, and low-emission allocation of mobility resources ("incentives instead of prohibitions"); (2) to leave users room for their own choice in the selection of and not to restrict the space for innovation (freedom of technology). The instrument builds on the use of so-called "MobilityCoins" for personal mobility, a form a tradeable mobility credits. Every user receives an initial MobilityCoins (mobility) budget out of which costs for trips will be paid. The costs for a trip in MobilityCoins depend, e.g., on the transport mode and the prevailing traffic situation. In other words, the price is based on demand and the external costs created. This MobilityCoins budget is allocated to all persons to ensure social participation by enabling basic mobility. If the MobilityCoin budget is used up, coins can be purchased on a marketplace from other users at a negotiated market price or from the MobilityCoin agency. Through trading, individuals and the agency can generate revenue. The agency can use this revenue to finance the multimodal transportation system, thus providing an opportunity to compensate for the expected future loss of revenue from energy taxes, e.g., for mineral oils. In this project, a survey will be conducted and transport model will be developed to determine which combination of initial allocation and pricing scheme contributes to a steering effect towards more sustainable mobility and the financing of the transport system.


Traffic Management, mobility budget, internalization of external costs, infrastructure funding


Bavarian State Ministry for Housing, Construction and Transport

Partners keine
Duration October 2021 – März 2023
Contact Allister Loder