Detector Test

According to the technical delivery terms for roadside stations, issue 2006


Project description and activities of the chair

At the chair of traffic engineering and control tests take place, which are adapted to the individual needs of traffic detectors according to the TLS 2006 (technical delivery terms for roadside stations, issue 2006). Thereby the quality of the detector concerning the vehicle counts, - classifications in 2, 5+1 or 8+1-classes and the speed measurement is checked. By the transferring the TLS-criteria for inductive loop detectors on other detection technologies, so far inductive loops as well as radar-, infrared- and combination-detectors could be tested. Within a report procedures concerning the analysis and the ascertained results of the tests are explained.

Keywords Detektor, Qualität
Sponsors several
Duration Numerous test since 2003, project duration 6 weeks each
Contact Martin Margreiter, Dr. Matthias Spangler