Road Weather Data

German Test Site for Road Weather Data on motorways "Eching Ost"

Within section control systems on motorways, road weather data are used in order to improve traffic safety during adverse weather conditions. Variable message signs (VMS) are displayed to warn road users of various conditions including slippery road surfaces or fog. However, the quality of acquired road weather data and traffic control measures is not checked on a regular basis, if at all.

Given the importance of the quality of the weather data detection, the German Test Site for Road Weather Stations was established near Munich Airport on the motorway A92. The sensor systems are evaluated in terms of their applicability for traffic con-trol. Furthermore, the Test Site is used for enhancing the quality of the hardware and software of the sensor systems. With the knowledge gained from the evaluat-ed data from the Test Site, the specifications for tender and the demand and operation of road weather stations are established. Each year, the German federal departments for road construction are informed about the results of the evaluated sensor types from the Test Site.
At the Test Site "Eching Ost", two Webcams are installed.

The report of phase 10 is available for Download from ZVM.
Please ask Andrea Haug for login data.

Keywords Umfelddaten, Verkehrsbeeinflussung, Sensortechnologie
Funding Source Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur
Project Partners Autobahndirektion Südbayern (ABDS)
Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BASt)
Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen e.V. (FGSV)
Duration November 2003 bis December 2015
Contact Andrea Haug