MobiDig: Digital Mobility Hochfranken

Project Description

The research project „MobiDig“ will conceptually develop, experimentally test and thoughtfully evaluate the use of digital resources for an innovative comprehensive mobility system on the basis of the example case of the region Hochfranken. In fact, as part of Oberfranken the model region has the second highest industrial density in Europe. On the other hand, it is particularly strongly affected by demographic change and the related threats to its economy.

Among others, the research goals consist of developing an innovative system architecture for a mobility concept, which includes demand-responsive public transport operation as well as “sharing” and “crowd-sourcing” concepts. Modern data sources are exploited by novel methods, and gathered and stored within a Data Lake. Based on that, the generation of short-term mobility supply and demand forecasts shall be enabled. Additional goals are the assurance of economic efficiency and the ubiquitous availability of the mobility offers. Moreover, the project includes a test operation of self-driving scheduled bus services. Quality management will be conducted by assessing all content-related project elements within a field trial in the model region. Important criteria are practicability, economic efficiency plus transferability of the system to other, comparable regions.

More informationen about the project can be found here.

Tasks of the Chair

  • Development of a system architecture
  • Organization and coordination of the field trial
  • Quality management based on performance and key performance indicators
  • Scientific monitoring and consulting
Keywords System architecture, autonomous vehicles, demand-responsive transportation, intelligent transportation systems
Funding Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH
Partners Institut für Informationssysteme der Hochschule Hof
Fraunhofer-Institut für integrierte Schaltungen
Gebietskörperschaften des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs der Landkreise Hof, Wunsiedel im Fichtelgebirge und der Stadt Hof
Industrie- und Handelskammer für Oberfranken Bayreuth
Duration July 2017 until October 2020
Contact Dr.-Ing. Antonios Tsakarestos, Gabriel Tilg, Fabian Fehn