arrive (completed 2009)

Mobility offer for a mobile region

The project Arrive is a further component for the cooperative management of transport in the region of Munich. The aim of this project is to work against the growth of traffic by clear transportation control and –arrangement. The following application areas are differentiated:

Application area I – multimodal traffic information
Promotion of an efficient use of the transportation offers and -capacities by up-to-date, reliable and selective traffic information before and during the trip.

Application area S - strategies of traffic planning and business
Development of suitable strategies for the preservation of mobility and stability of the traffic.

Application area O – Operative traffic control
Improvement of the capacity of intersections and network areas as well as of the quality of the traffic flow by the improvement of the control methods.     Application area Q – quality assurance in transport management
Transfer of quality assurance methods to traffic management for the removal of shortfalls of existing systems concerning the quality of traffic information as well as traffic control.

Application area G – basics for transport development planning and traffic management
Further development and implementation of a cartographic data service and a standadrdized, geo-coded data platform for the integration of the developed traffic management systems.

In the individual application areas evaluations of the demonstrators take place concerning the achieved or rather the achievable effects. The aim is, in line with a summed up interpretation of the individual results, to make comprehensive statements concerning the effects of the demonstrators within an overall context.

Keywords Verkehrsmanagement, Evaluation, Information, Verkehrssteuerung, Verkehrsinformation, Multimodalität
Funding Source Freistaat Bayern (FB): Oberste Baubehörde im StMI, Autobahnfirektion Südbayern
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW)
PTV Planung Transport Verkehr AG
Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH (MVG)
Landeshauptstadt München (LHM): Kreisverwaltungsreferat (KVR), Referat für Stadtplanung und Bauordnung (PLR) Baureferat (BR), Referat für Gesundheit und Umwelt (RGU)
Siemens AG - Industrial Solutions & Services
Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund GmbH (MVV)
Project Partners Universität Stuttgart - Lehrstuhl für Verkehrsplannung und Verkehrsleittechnik
Technische Universität Darmstadt - Fachgebiet Verkehrsplannung und Verkehrstechnik
Technische Universität Braunschweig Institut für Verkehr und Stadtbauwesen
Duration June 2005 - January 2009
Contact Tobias Schendzielorz, Andreas Hanitzsch
Further information project leaflet (English) / project brochure (German)