
Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Umfang3 SWS
SemesterWintersemester 2023/24
Stellung in StudienplänenSiehe TUMonline
TermineSiehe TUMonline



Transport planning is much more than paperwork. It is working with people, institutions, companies and so forth. It is also about bargaining and negotiating for better and more effective solutions to transport problems. The pathways to sustainable transport demand management and mobility at the regional level go along with new concepts of power management and government. Governance is one of the major catchwords to describe the fundamental changes in the relations of political, economic and civil society actors in cities and regions. This seminar gives insights into new concepts of regional governance and discusses empirical experiences with local and regional actors. It will introduce students to state of the art theories in governance research and methodologies.

Lehr- und Lernmethoden

Students will be graded based on a seminar paper and a presentation.
