Doctoral Research Workshop

98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. January 13-17, 2019

Doctoral Research in Transport Modeling and Traveler Behavior

Sunday, January 13, 2019, 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Room 146B

Submissions were due by October 1st, 2018.

At this workshop, PhD students conducting research in transportation modeling or traveler behavior are invited to present their work and discuss issues and questions they encountered. The workshop is co-sponsored by the Section on Travel Analysis Methods (ADB00), including the Transportation Network Modeling Committee (ADB30), the Transportation Demand Forecasting Committee (ADB40), the Traveler Behavior and Values Committee (ADB10), the Effects of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on Traveler Choices Committee (ADB20) and the Transportation Planning Applications Committee (ADB50). The workshop is also co-sponsored by the Traffic Flow Theory Committee (AHB45). The workshop will be held on Sunday Afternoon (January 13, 2019) at the 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board in Washington, DC. Reports of recently completed, or nearly completed, PhD dissertations and research-in-advanced-stages were presented.

Individuals who wish to present their research had to submit a 500-800 word summary of their research including the title and complete author information, along with a letter of nomination from their faculty supervisor. The letter of the supervisor had to explain the significance of the contribution and clearly state the anticipated graduation date. Documents in Word or PDF format had to be sent both to Rolf Moeckel, Technical University of Munich, at, and to Patricia Mokhtarian, Georgia Institute of Technology, at The deadline for submission of entries was October 1st, 2018.

Those who presented their dissertation research at this session in previous Annual Meetings of the Transportation Research Board were not eligible to submit entries. Please note that there is a separate Doctoral Dissertation Research session devoted to the field of Transportation Operations and Control. Work that falls primarily in that domain should be submitted there. The workshop on Transportation Operations and Control is organized by Dr. Michael Knodler from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

The selection of presentations for inclusion in the program was based on the total number of submissions received, whether the work is based on completed or in-progress research, and whether papers based on the dissertation research have been accepted for presentation in other lectern or poster sessions of the Annual Meeting. All submissions were reviewed by the scientific committee, and notifications regarding acceptance were sent by mid-October. The agenda of this workshop can be found here. The best presentation(s) were announced at the meeting of the Committee on Transportation Network Modeling (ADB30) on January 16th, 2019.