TRB Session on Multimodal methods in the Highway Capacity Manual. Applications and Use Cases of HCM7 to Support Complete Streets Analysis

Lectern session at TRB 2024 Annual Meeting

Are you interested in bicycle and pedestrian performance measures in the context of complete streets? 

We have prepared an interactive session at the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board on "Multimodal Methods in the Highway Capacity Manual: Applications and Use Cases of HCM7 to Support Complete Streets". The aim of this session is to bridge the current silos on bicycle and pedestrian performance measures, bringing together experts from the Highway Capacity Manual, Level of Traffic Stress, and Urban Street Design for comprehensive complete streets analyses.

The session will have four invited presentations and a 30-minute panel discussion moderated by Ana Moreno. Attendees will be able to post questions online and provide their feedback in quick polls. Invited presenters, Meredyth Sanders, Conor Semler, Bastian Schroeder, Peter Furth, Jessica Schoner and Brian Almdale will cover cross-sectional allocation, HCM7 24 hour analysis framework, LTS advances in bicycle network analysis, and LTS applications for bicycle and pedestrian networks and systemic safety work.

This session will take place on January 9th, 10:15 AM - 12:00 PM, Salon A Convention Center. 

This session is sponsored by the TRB committees ACP40 (Highway Capacity and Quality of Service), ACH20 (Bicycle Transportation), and ACH10 (Pedestrian).

We would like to thank Alexandra Kondyli (ACP40 Secretary), Kevin Manaugh (ACH10 Chair), Rebecca Sanders (ACH20 Chair) and Martin Guttenplan (ACH20 Member) for their assistance to organize this session.


Ana Moreno Technical University of Munich Welcome and introduction to the sesison
Meredyth Sanders and Conor Semler Kittelson and Associates Framework for Cross-Sectional Allocation (NCHRP Report 1036)
Bastian Schroeder Kittelson and Associates Moving beyond the Peak-Hour – a whole-day approach to operations analysis
Peter Furth Northeastern University Advances in Bicycle Network Analysis
Jessica Schoner and Brian Almdale Safe Streets Research & Consulting Applying Level of Traffic Stress of Bicyclist and Pedestrian Networks
All   Panel discussion


During the session, we carried out a quick poll and allowed to post questions online.

  • Would you like to know which methodology is used the most for bicycle and pedestrian analyses and why? Download here the results.
  • Which questions were posted to the panelists? Which ones were voted the most? Download here the list.

Presentations can be shared upon request. For any questions, please contact Dr. Ana Moreno.