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openHOUSE 2022: one year openLAB Urban Mobility

The one-year anniversary of the openLAB Urban Mobility was celebrated internally at TUM at the same time as the inauguration of the chair's renovated premises:

The openLAB Urban Mobility has now been in existence for a little over a year. The concept was developed with about six months' lead time: As a connecting element, the openLAB links the four different research and working groups at the Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning, which are Accessibility Planning, Integrated Mobility Concepts, Mobility Justice and Governance. Through practice-oriented, scientific teaching, Bachelor's, Master's and PhD students are taught the important basics for sustainable urban mobility planning. In courses such as Active Mobility or Urban Mobility PhD Colloquium, the focus is on interdisciplinary, open and sustainable knowledge transfer. 

In addition, openLAB aims to strengthen external communication and promote dialogue with other researchers and experts from the fields of mobility, urban and transport planning, and citizens. Various event formats will be used to cover all levels and to continue, expand and open up the exchange. Among other, the MCube Speaker Series: Future of Mobility is organised in cooperation with MCube, the Munich Cluster for the Future of Mobility in Metropolitan Regions. On numerous dates, experts will be invited to discuss a specific topic and answer questions from the audience. The next event will take place on Thursday, 1 December 2022, at 6:30 pm in the Transport Centre of the Deutsches Museum. For the lecture, numerous international guests will be present to discuss the interesting question "Future of Mobility - Bikes first?!" A breath of fresh air in Europe's cities - is this the end of car-centric decades in Europe?. More information can be found here. It's worth coming! 

The work at the openLAB Urban Mobility and the Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning should not take place behind closed doors - it should be open and informative. For this reason, the first anniversary of the openLAB Urban Mobility was celebrated internally at TUM on Thursday 13.10.2022, parallel to the inauguration of the renovated old offices on the main campus (building 0507 Bestellmayr Nord, secretariat room 1741). The doors were opened and colleagues from other departments and partner organisations as well as friends were invited to view the premises in a cosy atmosphere and to talk openly about current, completed and planned projects. 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who came by. We look forward to further successful cooperation!