
Mohamed Abouelela defends his doctoral dissertation

Dissertation receives a Summa Cum Laude

On the 25th of January, 2024, Mohamed successfully defended his doctoral dissertation titled "Developing a Multi-Dimensional Framework for the Deployment of Free-Floating Shared Mobility Services", earning a Summa Cum Laude for his excellent work.

The defense was chaired by Prof. Gebhard Wulfhorst, and in the presence of the three examiners Prof. Constantinos Antoniou, Prof. Alejandro Tirachini, and Prof. Frank Witlox. The chair would like to thank the EIT Urban Mobility Doctoral Training Network for supporting the in-person event, as well as the examiners who came a long way to be in person for the defense.

We would like to congratulate Mohamed for his great work in the past years up until his defense. We are glad to still have Mohamed as a postdoc and are looking forward to the great work he will do in the future.