
Innovations for mobility transformation

Duration: 2021 - 2024

The Munich Cluster for the Future of Mobility in Metropolitan Regions aims to use the geographical concentration of innovators in the mobility sector in the region of Munich as a "learning region" to develop sustainable solutions with model character for metropolitan regions in Germany and worldwide. MCube commits to sustainable, efficient and socially just mobility, with the aim of realizing breakthrough innovations with great economic impact and high potential for solving global challenges. The Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering participates in AQT, SASIM and COLTOC.

Source: M Cube – Münchner Cluster für die Zukunft der Mobilität in Metropolregionen


Car-reduced quarters for a more livable city

Car-reduced quarters for a more livable city (AQT) is one of three MCube lighthouse projects. The AQT project team is developing and testing a spatial and transportation concept for Munich with the goals of: achieving greater acceptance and use of multimodal transportation options, significantly reducing individual car ownership and use, thus enhancing the value of public space. 

In AQT, a special focus is placed on transdisciplinary research and transformative processes, considering stakeholder interests, political hurdles and spatial quality. Against the background that individual technical solutions have so far not initiated the necessary change towards an ecologically and socially sustainable traffic turnaround or have not led to a measurable reduction of individual motorized traffic, the aim is now to open up design, traffic and use-related potentials for the transformation of traffic areas, which are important for sustainable and climate-adapted urban development in the course of ongoing urbanization. Transferability to other cities plays a central role in the project.

The Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering is mainly involved in surveying the transportation mode choice behavior of individuals under the influence of car-reducing measures, and in simulating the effects of those measures on microscopic and mesoscopic level.

Main investigators: Filippos AdamidisUniv.-Prof. Dr. Constantinos Antoniou,


Smart Advisor for Sustainable Integrated Mobility

The Smart Advisor for Sustainable Integrated Mobility (SASIM) project aims to develop innovative approaches to promote sustainable mobility behavior through cost transparency, raising of awareness, and through planning elements. The project will consider the full costs, internal and external, of various modes of mobility and will communicate them transparently to decision-makers.

SASIM will evaluate mobility options for individual travel requests and provide the full cost of the requested trips. In addition, scenarios for a holistic, dynamic pricing based on the full costs of different mobility options will be created as a project result. Pricing incentives, which can be embedded in a mobility-as-a-service system in the future, make it possible to influence mobility behavior across different modes of transportation.

The Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering will contribute, among other, in surveying and modeling the transportation mode choices of individuals under the influence of pricing scenarios. The pricing scenarios will be developed in cooperation with the project partners and should reflect the environmental and societal costs of urban transportation.

Main investigators: Filippos AdamidisUniv.-Prof. Dr. Constantinos Antoniou,


Collaborative Traffic Optimization and Control

The aim of this project is to develop a holistic cooperative traffic management approach that targets delays caused by irregular traffic phenomena. The proposed approach aims at (i) assessing the long-term resilience of  transport networks, (ii) identifying critical and vulnerable elements, (iii) reducing regular and irregular delays, (iv) identifying dynamic bottlenecks, and (v) mitigating their negative effects through novel, decentralized control approaches e.g., dynamic speed recommendations. 

A real-life pilot will be tested at the 2024 Landesgartenschau in Kirchheim, enabled by the cooperation between industry partners, authorities, and academic partners.

Main investigators: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Constantinos AntoniouMohammad Sadrani