Life Cycle Assessment with Python

Lecturer (assistant)
  • Sebastian Wolff [L]
  • Markus Lienkamp
  • Fabian Viermetz
TypePractical course
Duration2 SWS
TermWintersemester 2023/24
Language of instructionEnglish
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline
DatesSee TUMonline

Admission information


After successful participation in the module, students will be able to... ...understand the basics of object-oriented programming with Python and apply them in the context of Life Cycle Assessments (LCA). ...understand the basics of LCA as a method for quantifying ecological impacts. ...apply the method LCA with the Python library brightway to actual products and assess their ecological footprint. ...understand, classify, analyze, and discuss the results of an LCA. ...reflect, prepare, and present the complexity of an LCA to an audience.


Basics of object-oriented programming with Python - Structure of the programming language - Basic concepts of programming (loops, functions, conditions) - Basics of common libraries for data processing and visualization (NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn) - Basics of Jupyter Lab as a programming environment Theoretical basics of life cycle assessment - system boundaries - DIN ISO 14040/14044 - Linear algebra for the solution of a LCA - Application and delimitation of the method Structure of an LCA model - Product life cycle - Functional Unit - Life Cycle Inventory and ecoinvent database - Parameters and assumptions - Uncertainties in LCA


sustainability - Basic knowledge of automotive engineering and production is helpful but not necessary - Basic knowledge of a programming language (preferably Python) is helpful but not necessary

Teaching and learning methods

The module consists of a practical course with attendance dates and independent work. Students learn the theoretical basics of the Python programming language independently using online courses. In presence appointments, this knowledge is applied and deepened together. In the face-to-face sessions, the theoretical basics of life cycle assessment are also taught with lectures and presentations, and the application of Python for modeling an LCA is practiced with the students. For this purpose, students are given access to an online programming environment to immediately apply their learned content. The imparted knowledge will be deepened by homework, completed in independent work. The homework will further serve as preparation for the next session. Students will gain an understanding of the method, application, and interpretation of Life Cycle Assessment by presenting and discussing results from a given perspective. This understanding will be demonstrated through a presentation prepared by the student. The presentation will represent a stakeholder's perspective on a vehicle's product life cycle (manufacturer, supplier, NGO, etc.). Each team presents a different perspective in plenary so that the breadth and complexity of the Life Cycle Assessment becomes clear. Media forms: Presentations with Powerpoint (beamer), lecture Jupyter Notebook Participants are required to have their own laptops. If required, this will be provided by the chair.


The module examination is a presentation (100% of the module grade). Students will give a presentation (10-20 minutes plus 10 min discussion) using appropriate media (PowerPoint, Jupyter, possibly other media of choice). Each presentation represents a role that reflects a perspective on Life Cycle Assessment. With the presentation, the students show that they know the concepts of Life Cycle Assessment, can apply the method, and can analyze and discuss the results.

Recommended literature

Hauschild, Michael & Rosenbaum, Ralph & Olsen, Stig. (2017). Life Cycle Assessment: Theory and Practice. 10.1007/978-3-319-56475-3. Mutel, C. 2017. Brightway: An open source framework for Life Cycle Assessment. Journal of Open Source Software, 12:2.
