Research Group Integrated Mobility Concepts

Head: Dr.-Ing. Julia Kinigadner

Mobility planning is a cross-sectional task that requires integrated thinking and action. Accordingly, when developing sustainable mobility concepts, networking must be ensured at the following levels:

Cross-transport system: coordination of the various specialist plans (public transport, walking, cycling and motorized private transport), promotion of multi- and intermodality
Spatial: Coordinated objectives and planning across municipal boundaries and different scales (local, regional, national)
Processual: cooperation between different stakeholders (public authorities, private companies, public) and specialist disciplines (ministries, departments, units)

Against this background, the activities of the Integrated Mobility Concepts research group focus on the following key areas:

  • Developing integrated mobility concepts for locations, neighborhoods, municipalities and regions 
  • Testing and implementing innovative mobility solutions, services and concepts
  • Designing liveable and sustainable street spaces
  • Developing methods and tools for integrated planning approaches
  • Exploiting the potential of intermodal and multimodal mobility solutions
  • Investigating the effects of mobility services and concepts

Our current projects in this research area include

For further information please contact Dr.-Ing. Julia Kinigadner.