Doctoral Research Workshop at the TRB Annual Meeting

Workshop on doctoral research in transportation modeling and travel behavior analysis

Since 2015, this research group co-organizes a workshop for doctoral candidates at the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) in January in Washington, D.C. Doctoral researchers in Transportation Modeling and Travel Behavior Analysis are invited to present their work in 5-10 minute lightning talk format and discuss issues and questions they encountered.

The workshop is hosted by the Transportation Network Modeling Committee (AEP40) and co-hosted by Transportation Planning Policy and Processes Committee (AEP10), Transportation Planning Analysis and Application Committee (AEP15), Travel Survey Methods Committee (AEP25), Effects of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on Travel Choices Committee (AEP35), Traveler Behavior and Values Committee (AEP30), Transportation Demand Forecasting Committee (AEP50), Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics Committee (ACP50), Transportation Demand Management Committee (AEP60), Committee on Transportation-Related Noise and Vibration (AEP80). The organizing committee consists of Khandker Nurul Habib, Kuilin Zhang, Patricia Mokhtarian, Ram Pendyala, Rolf Moeckel and Yanfeng Ouyang. 



Participate in this Workshop

To present their research at this workshop, doctoral candidates were invited to submit an application by Friday, September 13th, 2024. Those who plan to graduate soon or who recently completed their doctoral degree were eligible to apply. 

The application consisted of

  • A 500-word summary of your research including a presentation title and complete author information
  • A letter of nomination from your faculty advisor that explains the significance of the contribution and clearly states the anticipated graduation date

The call for presentations at the workshop on January 5th, 2025 can be found here. The call is closed now. No further submissions can be accepted at this point. 

Previous Workshops

There is a long tradition to conduct this workshop on Sunday afternoon of the Annual Meeting of TRB:

  • Doctoral Workshop 2022 (January 9th), co-organized by Rolf Moeckel and Patricia Mokhtarian, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Due to COVID-19, no doctoral workshop took place in 2021
  • Doctoral Workshop 2020 (January 12th), co-organized by Rolf Moeckel and Patricia Mokhtarian, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Doctoral Workshop 2019 (January 13th), co-organized by Rolf Moeckel and Patricia Mokhtarian, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Doctoral Workshop 2018 (January 7th), co-organized by Rolf Moeckel and Patricia Mokhtarian, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Doctoral Workshop 2017 (January 8th), organized by Rolf Moeckel
  • Doctoral Workshop 2016 (January 10th), co-organized Ram Pendyala, Arizona State University and Rolf Moeckel
  • Doctoral Workshop 2015 (January 11th), co-organized by Dr. Ram Pendyala, Arizona State University and Rolf Moeckel